Art From The Heart 2023

Art From The Heart 2023
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Art From The Heart 2023

Vision is the heartbeat of hope, a blueprint we need to envision tomorrow. Dreams foster brilliant inventions. imagination brings faith, hope, and love into reality. Vision is not optional, it’s oxygen required for life.

Ask the elders for vision. They will draw upon wisdom, the sum of what is known, and has already been experienced.

But dare a young person to imagine the future, and tap into a realm of promise. Here, dreams are like seeds seeking good soil in which to thrive.

That’s why our Art From The Heart Contest challenges youth living in The Bahamas to imagine a transformed nation, fifty years from now. 

     What do they desire from the future?

     What are their hopes for relationships, society, and our breathtaking environment?

     Which obstacles will they overcome within the next few generations?

     What can they see by standing on our shoulders? 

We need their ardour, energy, and perspective to challenge us personally, to form us as leaders of our families, and changemakers in society.

We want this contest to start conversations in camps, classes, and cars, around dining room tables and boardrooms. 

Here’s more information on how to enter our 2023 Art From The Heart Contest, Transforming The Nation - The Next 50 Years.



2023 commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of Bahamian Independence. Our third Art From the Heart national youth contest calls young artists living in The Bahamas to express their vision for a transformed nation over the next 50 years. 

Though our nation has made great strides over the past five decades, time has also revealed many challenges that we must face.  



Think about how a butterfly develops. First, a tiny egg becomes a caterpillar, gobbling the stalk and leaves on which it was laid. 

It grows in segments, until the time comes to completely encase itself, becoming a pupae. 

Within its cocoon, the insect is completely reorganised, transformed from a crawler to a stunning butterfly with multiple legs  and gorgeous wings. 

Now a completely different creature, it sips nectar rather than chewing leaves. It pollinates flowers and fruit bearing trees. Never meant to stay bound to the ground, the transformed butterfly soars the skies.


What do you see?

You were born for this very time, with dreams and ideals that will shift the way we see one another as a people. You carry the solutions with the power to inspire and motivate change.


Listen to your heart

What do you desire from the future?

What are your hopes for relationships, society, and our environment?

Which obstacles will we overcome in your lifetime?

The questions you ask when you are quiet and alone come from your heart. Listen to them.


Share your vision  

Apply your best idea about any aspect of transformation you want to see in The Bahamas. 

Reach for a theme that stirs your heart:  arts and culture, education, the economy, environment, faith, family relationships, health and wellness, physical safety, recovery from disaster, social justice, etc. 

Use bold colours and strong lines. Your artwork can be realistic or abstract. You may include people and animals in your piece.






1 - Complete artwork before the deadline


2 - Clearly identify your piece

Write the following information in pencil on the back of your artwork:


     Medium (paint, crayons, etc.)

     Artist’s Name and Age

     Name of School 

     Contact Information (Phone numbers, Email address )

3 - Complete Entry Form 

Complete an entry form with your contact information, a guardian’s or teacher’s signature, and a short description about your artwork. Just click here to download.

4 - Register by email 

Send a photo of your artwork to

5 - Submit your artwork and entry form by 6:00 PM (EST) on Thursday, November 30, 2023.

Hand deliver your artwork and entry form to a Furniture Plus Showroom in Nassau or Freeport.

Address your package to Kam Cheng.




A $1,000 Furniture Plus Gift Card

Free, Two Week Scholarship to NAGB’s Youth Art Camp 

A  Job Shadow Experience at the NAGB


• A laptop

• Public exhibition of artwork

• Artwork publication on Furniture Plus’s social media channels

• A kit of art supplies, and more!

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