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Yes, You Can Buy A Mattress Online
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Yes, You Can Buy A Mattress Online

When you live in Exuma, online shopping can be quite challenging. 

Finding a furniture company with  exceptional customer service, convenient and flexible payment options, a broad array of leading brands and products, reliable delivery and shipping options, can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. 

So, can you really buy a mattress online? With Furniture Plus, yes you can! 

Find out what one Exuma customer, Tamara Knowles, felt about her online mattress shopping experience with us!

The Study Zone
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The Study Zone

We all have varying personalities and learning styles. While most children have the ability to learn in a variety of settings, helping them understand their learning strengths builds confidence. Most students bravely adapt new learning styles once they have developed a strong foundation. Creating a Study Zone that specifically addresses the needs of your child's learning behaviour is a great way to encourage healthy habits for your little (or big) ones. Check out our latest blog post for helpful tips on identifying the type of learner your child is and how you can create a great study space for them!


The Drop Zone
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The Drop Zone

For some, the school year has just started. For others, the big day is just around the corner!

And once school begins, so do games like "Backpack Dash and Disappear," a daily faceoff between clutter and calm.

Without a plan to corral the transition between school and home, expect the frustration of lost homework, messy rooms, and sometimes, sheer disorder.  

That’s why we’ve curated a pile of tips to clear clutter and avert accidents in potential chaos zones like your home entrance, kitchen, and other living spaces. 

Get the details here!

Candles for a Cause
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Candles for a Cause

Christmas and candles are a cosy tradition, bringing light and warmth to the holidays. And yet, they can be so much more, as we've discovered with our Candles of Hope. They can be a source of light, hope and promise to a child in need, and that's just what the Charity of Hope Foundation strives to do.

Explore the magic in the making with our beautifully aromatic, 100% Bahamian-made candles. Learn about the giving force behind them and how you can play an important role in helping to light the guiding path for children in The Bahamas.

Here's the Key... Welcome to Our Online Home
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Here's the Key... Welcome to Our Online Home

Welcome home. Come on in, take off your shoes, and sip a cup of tea with us. You’ve just joined a wonderful online space for inspiration, information, and resources we can’t wait to share with you.

Here’s a little note to help you find your way around.